
文章标题:特朗普,我支持你当总统,你不能离开美国——凤凰新闻社国际问题评论员 田长友

添加时间:2020-10-20 11:43:21


——凤凰新闻社国际问题评论员 田长友



















Trump, I support you for President. You can't leave the United States

-- Tian Changyou, international Affairs commentator of Phoenix News Agency

Phoenix News

On October 17, 2020, it was revealed that US President Donald trump held a campaign event in Georgia on local time on October 16. In a speech at the event, Trump mocked Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden for keeping a social distance at the event and for wearing a mask. Later Mr Trump said: "I shouldn't be joking, you know, it's been a lot of pressure running against the worst candidate in history." Trump explained: "Can you imagine? If I lose, what can I do with my life? 'I lost to the worst presidential candidate in history' doesn't feel very good, I don't know, maybe I have to leave the country."

A special country with a special President; A special President is bound to lead to the downfall of the country!

As a President, he is the symbol of a country and the representative of the highest power in the country. Everything a President says and does is, of course, subject to certain constraints: what should be said and what should not be said; Do what you should do, don't do what you shouldn't! But what does Trump say and do? He takes America as his home. As a parent, he orders about nothing and waffles about nothing. Even the serious business of running for President is routine and indulgent.

"Can you imagine? If I lose, what can I do with my life? 'I lost to the worst presidential candidate in history' doesn't feel very good, I don't know, maybe I have to leave the country."

"If I lose, what can I do with my life?" he asked.

Are you trump born to be President, you can't lose, you can't live without being President? What have you accomplished as President that you don't know yourself, or that americans and the world are blind?

"' I lost to the worst presidential candidate in history 'doesn't feel good. I don't know. Maybe I'll have to leave the country."

You can't beat the worst presidential candidate in history. Who else can you beat? Every day you stigmatize China, but China has made world-renowned achievements in fighting the epidemic. You punish China every day, but China's economy has grown to the second largest in the world. You harass the South China Sea every day, interfere in China's internal affairs, disrupt relations across the Taiwan Strait, and threaten China by force. Are you so arrogant that you dare to launch a nuclear weapon against China? If you do not believe me, China will turn you and the United States into ashes at once! But the Chinese are open-minded, patient and committed to development. They don't want to be narrow-minded like you!

Not afraid you die, afraid you die; Once a man wants to die, he must die!

After the Second World War, the United States, as a winner, developed high-tech industry, expanded its economic and military strength with hegemonism, and attracted the puppet group to form an alliance, which enabled the United States to achieve the position of world hegemony and become the first in the world.

The development of the United States has made its high-level figures and politicians arrogant and full of the Wolf's ambition to dominate the world.

Especially since Trump took office: the OUTBREAK of COVID-19 in the United States, the domestic outcry; The economy is down and people are nervous; Racial discrimination is serious and racial contradictions are becoming more and more serious. Recklessly printing and issuing American banknotes increases the risk of dollar depreciation; To cheat and refuse to repay foreign debts; The Federal Reserve, backed by the government, refused to let the world ship gold back to all countries. The aircraft carrier formation inflicts torture and increases the threat of force to the world... There are all kinds of signs that the chaos of the United States and its attitude towards the rest of the world have generated the trust and dependability of the rest of the world. Its Allies, too, are beginning to feel uneasy, but are powerless to help. Under the command of Trump, the US is jumping wildly. I'm afraid this is the jumping before death. Jump, the higher you jump, the harder you fall!

The order of the world needs justice to maintain, and the pattern of the world is not invariable. As the American boss runs amuses, and their reputation in the world declines, the seemingly powerful United States is doomed to decline, and the world will face a reshuffle. When the American leader falls, the new world pattern will be one of democracy, justice and development. The new boss will be replaced by a country that upholds justice, does not fear evil, does not seek hegemony and wins the trust of the world.

As the saying goes, a fortress is the easiest to be breached from within! The Soviet Union is so powerful that no force in the world can be breached. But what happened? Due to the intensification of domestic conflicts, the economic decline collapsed, didn't it? Although the United States seems to be strong, if it continues to carry out hegemonism and run amok, its self-destruction will not be too far away.

Donald trump, we welcome you to the presidency. How can America die if you don't become President? How can the world change if you are not President? You are in the vanguard of changing the world, America needs you, and the world needs you to reshuffle the deck -- because you are the dealer!

Responsible editor Su Min


责任编辑 苏敏