
文章标题:俄乌战争要打多久,乌克兰是否会被北约接纳,俄乌战争谁是赢家? How long will the war last? Will Ukraine be accepted into NATO? Who will win the war? 凤凰新闻社国际问题评论员 田长友 Tian Changyou, international affairs commentator, Phoenix News Agency

添加时间:2022-05-15 15:09:09


How long will the war last? Will Ukraine be accepted into NATO? Who will win the war?


凤凰新闻社国际问题评论员 田长友

Tian Changyou, international affairs commentator, Phoenix News Agency



Phoenix News Service


作者 田长友


How long the war between Russia and Ukraine will last is a difficult question to answer. It is a question that Mr Putin, let alone an outsider, has no definitive answer to. Because there are so many uncertainties in this war. But the war will not stop until Mr Putin's goals are achieved, no matter how complex the variables. Although Russia appeared to oppose Putin's russia-Ukraine war routine, want to increase the intensity of the war against Ukraine, a quick victory. But Mr Putin must be the king of the country, and he must decide how and for how long.




Putin's theory of the Ukraine war is to fight slowly. Huanqiu.net reported on April 12, Putin said at a press conference: "To achieve the goal of war with the lowest loss." It is not hard to see that this is the real purpose of Russia's tactics of "boiling toads in warm water" to attack Ukraine.



They are poised to watch and fight, to exercise physical control over Ukraine and to keep an eye on NATO. If Russia focuses on attacking Ukraine, it will be difficult to respond to NATO's unexpected military action. To fight slowly is to teach Ukraine a lesson while gathering strength to guard against and counter a full-scale NATO assault on Russia. However, Putin's order to the front troops to "send troops to Ukraine regardless of any European country, without asking for permission, can directly carry out nuclear strikes" is also a magic weapon to prevent the European Union and NATO from sending troops to Ukraine.



How long the war between Russia and Ukraine can last depends on how long Ukraine can hold out. By supporting Ukraine with weapons and providing funds, the US and Europe are trying to keep Ukraine and Russia at war for a long time. They do not want Ukraine to stop fighting due to a shortage of weapons and economic stagnation. The reason why Russia is fighting hard is that the war has not yet achieved its objectives. It is not difficult to see from the Russia-Ukraine war that the purpose of Russia's attack on Ukraine is nothing more than the following reasons: One is to destroy Ukraine, which betrayed Russia and threw itself into the arms of NATO led by the United States; Second, we need to give the US and Europe a lesson. Russia will not stop until Ukraine is defeated. If, in the absence of any outcome, Russia withdraws and Ukraine withdraws, it will not only intensify the process of joining NATO, but also embolden Ukraine. That would be humiliating for Russia and would only fuel the madness of THE US-led NATO alliance.



There is no confirmation that NATO will take Ukraine in. In NATO's eyes, Ukraine is just a puppet, a pawn in the fight against Russia, and there is no real face on whether Ukraine will join NATO. Whether Ukraine joins NATO or not is of little consequence to the alliance. Instead of Ukraine joining NATO, NATO and the United States can use the conflict between Russia and Ukraine to gain two advantages. The first benefit would be to keep Ukraine at the mercy of the US and NATO by keeping it alive as a dead dog. Another advantage is that, while restricting Ukraine's development, the US and Europe take advantage of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine to curb Russia's military and economic development.



If Ukraine joins NATO, its international status will be on a par with that of NATO members, and the binding force of the United States and NATO to contain Ukraine unilaterally will be weakened. Therefore, the US-led NATO is in no hurry to absorb Ukraine into NATO.



Senior pro-American officials in Ukraine are gradually driving the country to the brink of death. The reason why Europe and America do not send troops is not that they do not want to send troops, but that they do not dare to send troops easily. They don't want to trigger world War III and nuclear war by sending troops. It is not that Europe and the United States do not want to launch a third World war, because China and Russia are powerful military, the consequences of launching a third world war is hard to predict, if not, will be burned, and self-destruction.



America's Allies, from a ragtag collection of nations, became the 30 members of the US-dominated NATO alliance. NATO's expansion is a signal to the world that global stability is at risk.



Recently, Sweden and Finland also asked to join NATO, which cannot but say that NATO has injected new destabilizing factors to world peace and stability. Sweden has long been known as a non-aligned and neutral country. What does it say about Sweden and Finland's sudden announcement that they want to join NATO? In fact, it is very simple, the two countries and Russia's long-term disharmony is the foundation, Sweden, Finland and Russia directly border on and in history, also because of the territorial issue of the war, Sweden and Finland to join NATO, one is its own western membership, joining NATO, is a matter of course; The other is to take advantage of the situation and give Russia the eye medicine.



The arrogance and continuous expansion of the United States and ITS NATO organization have attracted the attention and vigilance of the world. Many small and medium-sized countries dare not speak up, and some have to swallow their anger and be slaughtered. But there is a country that does not listen to evil and speaks out, and that is India. At this time, Indian Prime Minister Modi not only disobeyed the command of the United States and refused to sanction Russia, but also recognized the potential threat of NATO and said that NATO should be dissolved.



In fact, India is not an easy lamp. It knows that the United States is a country of egoism and flip-iness, but India should not hug the thigh of the United States in order to confront China. But this time contradict the United States, do not listen to the United States, the main reason is: one do not want to offend Russia, two want to get rich by the Russia-Ukraine conflict, three see through the existence of NATO, to world peace, there is a latent threat.



During the critical period of the Conflict between Russia and Ukraine, India stepped up international trade with Russia, importing a large amount of energy from Russia. The main motivation for India to import energy from Russia is not for its own energy needs, and when Europe is following the direction of the United States, it reduces energy trade with Russia, and when Europe is in energy shortage, it sells energy from Russia at a low price to Europe at a high price, reaping huge profits. India did not invent this move, they learned it from US.



The US calls for global sanctions against Russia and the EU follows, but the US itself imports a lot of energy from Russia and sells it to the EU at a high price. Is the EU stupid not to know?



The United States is the world's largest power, the European Union in military, as a puppet of the United States, had to follow the Flag of the United States, the "stirring stick" of the United States at will. The US and its Allies want to carve up the world all the time. It has become a post-World War II ritual for the United States to gorge itself on meat while its Allies follow suit with a bone that the United States has gnawed. So when the US gives the order, its Allies follow.



Although the United States is a warmongering country and makes money from war, and the European Union and the Five Eyes Alliance are its accomplices, the United States and its accomplices will never forget the lessons that the Chinese army inflicted heavy losses on them in the wars against Korea and Vietnam. They bully small countries like Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria... These small countries with little strength and no backer dare to challenge the United States, they will fight at their word. But they have no idea what to do with Iran, Pakistan, Israel, Turkey, North Korea and other countries that are militarily strong and have some influence in the world. They dare not touch China and Russia directly with military force.



So who was the biggest winner of the Russia-Ukraine war?



The biggest loser in the Russia-Ukraine war was Ukraine. The war in Ukraine has killed a large number of soldiers and some civilians, severely damaged military facilities, destroyed a large number of buildings and brought the economy to a standstill. The EU has suffered greatly from the energy crisis and limited economic growth.



However, the United States made a fortune due to the Russia-Ukraine war. In the name of sanctions, they froze and seized a huge amount of Russian funds and property in the United States, imported Russian energy at a low price and sold it to Europe at a high price. India is also cashing in.



Of course, in the midst of this spectacular conflict with Ukraine, Russia has also made a windfall from the anti-sanctions measures. According to records, in a few months, it raked in $3 trillion, more than twice the gross national economy of Russia.


责任编辑 苏敏

Managing editor Su Min