
文章标题:霸权是对人权的亵渎 Hegemony is a violation of human rights——凤凰新闻社国际问题评论员 田长友 -- Tian Changyou, commentator on international issues, Phoenix News Agency

添加时间:2022-09-15 09:42:00


Hegemony is a violation of human rights 

——凤凰新闻社国际问题评论员 田长友

-- Tian Changyou, commentator on international issues, Phoenix News Agency


Phoenix News Service


凤凰新闻社社长、国际问题评论员 田长友

Phoenix News Agency president, international commentator Tian Changyou

联合国人权理事会第 51 届会议将审议“地方政府与人权”报告,这是世界走向进步,走向民主的一个新起点,值得提倡,值得赞赏。

The 51st session of the UN Human Rights Council will review the report on "Local Government and Human Rights". This is a new starting point for the world to move towards progress and democracy, which deserves to be advocated and appreciated.


主持参加联合国人权理事会第 51 届会议的联合国秘书长古特雷斯

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres presides over the 51st session of the United Nations Human Rights Council


As president of Phoenix News Agency, an international media, I have been invited to attend the conference. However, after several times of entering the live broadcast of the meeting, I learned that the speeches and questions of the meeting were arranged in advance in the frame and circle, and I could not play freely. I felt that the meeting was too formal to a large extent. So, declined the invitation to attend.



The human world has always been in a state of turmoil, war, natural disasters, resource shortage and frequent outbreaks. The situation for human survival is not optimistic. Originally, human beings should make concerted efforts to fight against the harsh natural environment and disasters in order to seek survival and prosperity. While mankind is struggling against the harsh natural environment and disasters, it is also struggling to resist man-made disasters caused by ethnic conflicts and foreign invasions, which have made survival more difficult and threatened world peace.

联合国人权理事会第 51 届会议日内瓦会场

The 51st session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva


The world has changed dramatically since the Second World War. In the Second World War, the warmongers led by Germany and Japan, once disturbed the world. As they waged a war against humanity, they were defeated at last. The victors of World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union, began to take control of the new World. In today's world, whoever does not listen to the U.S. can unilaterally persecute other countries through economic sanctions, dollar hegemony, political inducements, and military threats. In recent years, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria... Not a single one was spared. Even the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine was orchestrated by the United States. It is not only controlling the Middle East and intimidating Europe, but also extending its black hand to the Asia-Pacific region in order to expand its sphere of influence. This stirring stick will disturb the peace of the world. While claiming that they do not support Taiwan independence, they have been visiting and plotting with Taiwan independence forces, constantly provoking the Taiwan authorities to confront the mainland. They are selling arms to Taiwan, sending planes, warships, aircraft carriers and stirring up trouble in the South China Sea. They even call such despicable acts of interfering in other countries' internal affairs and trampling on their sovereignty as freedom of navigation. This kind of freedom, only Americans can have, other countries can have, okay? The answer is yes - no! American aircraft, warships and aircraft carriers can fly and sail freely in the airspace and territorial waters of any sovereign country. No other country in the world, except the United States, has such freedom. Is this freedom, or is it bullying?


Countries all over the world are opposing and protesting the "long-arm jurisdiction" policy of the United States.

现在我来着重谈谈这个所谓的“长臂管辖”问题。这个所谓的“长臂管辖”的问题,是联合国人权理事会第 51 届会议着重涉及到的主要问题。我认为,空谈“长臂管辖”没有任何意义。关键问题是谁授予美国的“长臂管辖”权?你美国是主权国家,那么别国也是主权国家。你有什么权利去管辖别人?如果你有这个权利,别说是长臂,就是把手伸到月球上去,再长的“臂”,也无可非议。所以,别脱离现实,去谈什么“长臂”。这种无权利的“长臂”,说白了,明明是赤裸裸对他国内政的暴力干涉,是霸权行为!

Let me now focus on this so-called "long-arm jurisdiction". The issue of so-called "long-arm jurisdiction" was a major issue addressed at the 51st session of the UN Human Rights Council. I don't think it makes any sense to talk about "long-arm jurisdiction". The key question is who granted America "long-arm jurisdiction"? If the United States is a sovereign nation, so are other nations. What right have you to rule over others? If you have the right, let alone a long arm, even a hand to the moon, and longer "arms", there is nothing wrong. So don't lose touch with reality and talk about long arms. To put it bluntly, such a "long arm" without power is a naked violent interference in other countries' internal affairs and an act of hegemony!

特别是,最近美国知音广播电台报道,美国拟在 2022 年 9 月,欲出台《台湾政策法》。这是一种什么行为?台湾是中国的台湾,美国出台《台湾政策法》,这是赤裸裸干涉别国内政的又一铁证。台湾是独立国家吗?台湾是中国领土不可分割的一部分,美国有何权利去制定关于台湾的法案?美国鼓动乌克兰加入北约,对俄罗斯国家安全造成严重威胁。俄乌战争爆发,美国又拉拢欧盟对俄罗斯实行经济制裁,没收俄在美欧的存款及财产,号召欧盟停止进口俄罗斯能源及其物资。欧盟像哈巴狗一样,听任美国指挥,却把自己国家的经济搞得一团糟。然而美国自己却疯狂低价采购俄罗斯能源及物资,然后再高价出售给欧盟,从中大  发阴谋下的横财。印度也效仿美国,从俄罗斯低价采购俄罗斯能源,然后高价卖给欧盟,也赚得钵满盆余。

In particular, a U.S. radio station recently reported that the U.S. is planning to enact a Taiwan Policy Act in September 2022. What kind of behavior is that? Taiwan is China's Taiwan. The Taiwan Policy Act issued by the US is another ironclad proof of its naked interference in other countries' internal affairs. Is Taiwan an independent country? Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory. What right does the United States have to enact legislation on Taiwan? The US instigated Ukraine to join NATO, which posed a serious threat to Russia's national security. When the Russia-Ukraine war broke out, the United States drew the European Union to impose economic sanctions on Russia, confiscated Russian deposits and assets in the United States and Europe, and called on the European Union to stop importing Russian energy and materials. The EU is like a lapdog, obeying the US and making a mess of its own economy. Yet the United States itself is profiting from a conspiracy to buy Russian energy and supplies at low prices and then sell them to the European Union at high prices. India is also following the US and making a lot of money by buying Russian energy from Russia at low prices and selling it to the EU at high prices.


Are all the EU countries not smart enough to do the stupid thing of killing 800 and damaging 1000 by the US? Not really. The European Union is economically independent of the United States. But militarily, most of the countries in NATO, which is controlled by the United States, are European Union institutions. They know that all their history they have been doing is tagging along behind the United States, helping the United States to take advantage of the trouble, while the United States makes a lot of money and eats up the weak countries while they follow along with some gravy. The European Union, accustomed to eating scraps of food, naturally became the lapdog under the baton of the United States.


Russia's military assertiveness and China's economic rise have become the heart of American hegemony. Therefore, this has become the main motivation for the EU to sacrifice its own interests to follow the direction of the United States.

从二战后期,美国为保证自己在世界霸权地位,不断扩充军事实力。迄今为止,已经在全球 140 多个国家,部署了 374 个海外军事基地,驻军人数达 30 万之众。2020 年,美国军费开支为7110万亿美元。而到了 2021 年,美国军费开支增加到8010 万亿美元,占全球军费总额的38%,始终是世界之最。美国在全球派驻军队和增加军费开支的最主要目的,就是企图要用军事威胁、军事打击,来达到称霸世界的目的。美国口口声声要民主、自由、人权……美国讲的民主,是世界必须顺应他们的民主;美国倡导的自由,是自己随便凌辱他国的自由;美国强调的人权,是限制别国人权的人权。霸权,是美国建国以来,便形成的野心。这个建国只有246年历史的国家,在1776年独立时,领土面积只有80万平方公里。1783年独立战争后,达到230万平方公里。后来,通过领土买卖、兼并、掠夺等手段,扩张到现在的937万平方公里,超过了独立初期的十多倍。这个国家强大后,野心也愈加膨胀,先后将二战战败国德国、日本以及英国、法国等经济、军事强国,拉入自己的阵营。

Since the late World War II, the United States has been expanding its military strength to ensure its hegemony in the world. To date, it has deployed 374 overseas military bases in more than 140 countries, with more than 300,000 troops. In 2020, the United States spent $7,110 trillion on its military. By 2021, U.S. military spending had increased to $8010 trillion, accounting for 38% of the global total, and remained the world's largest. The primary purpose of the U.S. military presence and increase in military spending around the world is to seek hegemony over the world through military threats and strikes. America talks about democracy, freedom, human rights... The Americans mean democracy in the sense that the world must conform to them. The freedom the United States advocates is the freedom to abuse other countries at will. The human rights emphasized by the U.S. are those that restrict other countries' human rights. Hegemony has been the ambition of the United States since its founding. The country, which is only 246 years old, covered just 800,000 square kilometers when it became independent in 1776. After the War of Independence in 1783, it reached 2.3 million square kilometers. Later, it expanded to the present 9.37 million square kilometers through territorial sales, annexation and plunder, which was more than ten times that of the early period of independence. As the country became powerful, its ambitions grew, drawing into its fold the defeated powers of World War II, Germany, Japan, as well as economic and military powers such as Britain and France.


However, the world is always moving in a brighter direction, and bullying is not a long way to go. With the expansion of the hegemony ambition of the United States, the external environment and internal contradictions of the United States also began to deteriorate. The United States, with its growing internal and external worries, is already weak. So they have fallen back on the old formula: using interference in other countries' internal affairs as a means of deflecting their own domestic conflicts; To increase one's own interests by inciting other countries to wage war. But no matter how hard America tries, it can't escape its downfall.


To fend off the economic crisis, the United States began to print dollars. In this way, they want to transfer the crisis of the United States to the hands of dollar defenders in the world through the hegemony of the dollar. And closed off access to the world's gold stored in the United States. But no one was stupid, and this quickly caused unease around the world. As a result, large-scale de-dollarization began quietly.

迄今为止,世界参与去美元化行动的国家,已经达到 41 个之多。这一无声的统一行动说明了什么,说明从美国的经济危机开始,美国的信誉开始下降,美元霸权,开始衰败。

So far, the number of countries participating in dedollarization has reached 41. What does this silent unified action tell us? It shows that since the economic crisis in the United States began, the credibility of the United States began to decline, and the hegemony of the dollar began to decline.

中国的伟人毛泽东有句名言,叫做:“凡是反动的东西,你不打,他就不倒……扫帚不到,灰尘照例不会自己跑掉!” 但是世界爱好和平的国家和人民,从来都不会主动发动战争。靠武力侵略谋求霸权的国家有之,但大多数都会被反侵略战争所打败。美国曾经打败了很多弱小的国家,也曾打败了日本侵略者。但是美国却忘记了侵略者往往会被打败的教训。美国到处招惹是非,到处发动战争,常常以胜利者的姿态,凌驾于世界各国之上。但是美国却在越南战争、朝鲜战争,被中国军队打得落花流水,颜面扫尽。

Dust doesn't run away when the broom doesn't reach it!" But the peace-loving countries and people of the world will never initiate war. There are countries that seek hegemony by force invasion, but most of them will be defeated by the war of anti-aggression. America once defeated many weak countries, and also defeated the Japanese invaders. But America has forgotten the lesson that aggressors are often defeated. The United States made trouble everywhere, waged war everywhere, often triumphantly over the rest of the world. But the United States was badly beaten by Chinese forces in Vietnam and Korea.


The conclusion of history tells us that peace won by appeals and restraint is temporary, real peace is fought with the barrel of a gun. Sino-us Korean War, China-India Self-defence War, China-Soviet border conflict, China-Vietnam self-defence war... China bought decades of peace with the barrel of a gun. China never starts a war on its own initiative, but anyone who tries to invade China will end up in failure!


"Upholding peace and warming the world, aggressive wars harm and harm ourselves". All EU countries should be more aware of the situation and the aggressive nature of the United States, and not follow the United States in doing bad things. Evil will die, owe blood account necessary blood to return; Peace is passed down through the ages, and good deeds are remembered through the ages. As long as peace-loving countries and people can wake up and unite to see the United States for what it is, stay away from or resist its hegemonic acts, and use their strength instead of slogans to deter and contain any unjust acts of hegemonic countries, only then can they get rid of the threat of hegemonism and truly take the road to democracy and prosperity.

责任编辑 苏敏