
文章标题:【兰图视点】 巴黎奥运文化交流大使——任玉岭

添加时间:2024-06-20 09:25:58






2024年正值中法建交60周年暨“中法文化旅游年”,也是巴黎奥运年。作为东西方文明的代表,中国与法国之间的交往始终伴随着密切的文化交流与合作,双方文明的交流互鉴对彼此民族、国家与社会的发展产生了深刻的影响。建交60年来,人文交流与合作一直是维系两国关系韧性的重要纽带。在中法建交 60 周年之际,两国共同推出“巴黎奥运艺术大使”文化交流工作,巴黎奥运会将让中法文化和体育交流上升到新高度,北京和巴黎的密切交流将取得丰硕成果。“中国在击剑、乒乓球、跳水等很多项目上都有成功的交流范例。从北京到巴黎是从一个文明到另一个文明、从世界一端到另外一端的交流,这种不间断的跨地域、跨文化交流,让中法友谊更坚固。”

The year 2024 marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, as well as the "Sino French Cultural Tourism Year" and the Paris Olympic Year. As representatives of Eastern and Western civilizations, the exchanges between China and France have always been accompanied by close cultural exchanges and cooperation. The exchange and mutual learning of the two civilizations have had a profound impact on the development of each other's nations, countries, and societies. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations 60 years ago, cultural exchanges and cooperation have always been an important link in maintaining the resilience of bilateral relations. On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, the two countries jointly launched the "Paris Olympic Art Ambassador" cultural exchange work. The Paris Olympics will elevate cultural and sports exchanges between China and France to new heights, and close exchanges between Beijing and Paris will achieve fruitful results. "China has successful examples of communication in many sports such as fencing, table tennis, and diving. The journey from Beijing to Paris is from one civilization to another, and from one end of the world to the other. This uninterrupted cross regional and cross-cultural exchange strengthens the friendship between China and France."


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Ren Yuling, Chief Advisor for Sustainable Development of the United Nations Development Programme, formerly a Senior Counselor of the State Council, member of the 9th and 10th Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, member of the National Education Advisory Committee, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Association, Honorary Chairman of the Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Association, and Chairman of the Cross Strait Calligraphy and Painting Artists Association.
Ren Yuling is not only a scientist, economist, strategic thinker, but also a famous calligrapher. He has been practicing the childlike art of calligraphy since childhood. Although his calligraphy creation started relatively late, it was extraordinary as soon as it was released. He has won six consecutive awards, including the 60th anniversary book exhibition of the Republic of China, the 100th anniversary book exhibition of the Xinhai Revolution, the 90th anniversary book exhibition of the Communist Party, the 100 art inheritors book exhibition of the Ministry of Culture, the Cross Strait Calligraphy and Painting Exchange Exhibition, and the Gold Award at the Astana International Cultural Exhibition.
Ren Yuling has not only been appointed as a professor by 14 universities, but also as the chief editor and editorial board member of 55 magazines. He is known as one of the forty think tanks of China's reform, one of the fifty people of China's development, one of the thirty people who have made contributions to agriculture, one of the fifty Chinese contemporary calligraphers, one of the fifty people of the China Real Estate Forum, and one of the forty experts of the Chinese path to modernization forum.




这些年来,任玉岭又特别捐款70万元,用于推动河南老家的乡村振兴。任玉岭还依据社会的需要和百姓对他的期待,通过收藏和创作,先后在河南信阳,北京昌平,福建厦门,浙江长兴捐建四个“任玉岭收藏及作品展览馆”,均在 1000平米以上,皆为永久性展览馆。

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the publishing industry, in order to fill the gap in the publication of the Calligraphy Dahongpao, recommended and selected the publication of "The First Calligraphy Dahongpao of the Republic: Ren Yuling, a Famous Chinese Modern Calligraphy and Painting Artist", highlighting Ren Yuling's position and influence in the calligraphy industry. His works such as "Zhuge Liang's Exemplary Calligraphy" and "Wild Grass Huaisu's Self narration" have been well received by readers. In 2020, the official websites of the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference specially recommended Ren Yuling as a virtuous and artistic artist. In 2023, the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference officially elected Ren Yuling as the chief representative of the artist who presented gifts. His calligraphy works have been auctioned off multiple times and donated to charity. In a 2016 auction in Dongguan, Guangdong, Ren Yuling's calligraphy works were sold for 1.2 million yuan. Except for 10% for Ren Yuling to purchase paper and pens, the remaining 1 million yuan was donated on-site to the Chinese poverty alleviation king.
Ren Yuling, influenced by his father's expertise in calligraphy and painting during his childhood, not only became a famous calligrapher, but also used his spare time to draw and achieved remarkable results. He is good at learning from others and innovating on the basis of inheritance. His creations of flowers, birds, fans, and landscapes all demonstrate his worldview and methodology of valuing tradition, beauty, practice, and innovation.
Over the years, Ren Yuling has made a special donation of 700000 yuan to promote rural revitalization in his hometown of Henan. Ren Yuling also donated and built four "Ren Yuling Collection and Works Exhibition Halls" in Xinyang, Henan, Changping, Beijing, Xiamen, Fujian, and Changxing, Zhejiang, based on the needs of society and the expectations of the people, all of which are permanent exhibition halls with an area of over 1000 square meters.





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责任编辑 孙德禄