
文章标题:砥砺前行 发奋进取 Go forward and work hard

添加时间:2019-04-23 18:27:13

砥砺前行 发奋进取

Go forward and work hard




Phoenix News Agency is a legally qualified international news media agency registered in Hong Kong on November 5, 2015.


Although the Phoenix News Agency was established only for a short period of more than three years, it has already had a huge impact at home and abroad. On the international front, it has been with Canadian National Television, Scandinavian International News Center, Asia-Pacific Chinese TV, Asia-Pacific News Center, European Overseas Chinese News, Eurasia Times, Russian Dragon Newspaper, Washington Chinese TV and Washington Art Weekly, China-Korea News Agency, and Egypt News network, Fiji Daily, Mauritius Huasheng Daily, Taiwan South China Daily and Policing Times, Hong Kong Global Ratings, Macau Satellite TV, Macau Rule of Law and other dozens of overseas news media formed media cooperation and become friendly union. In addition, Phoenix News Agency has extensive cooperation with the World Chinese Association and the World Embassy Alliance in China.




The Phoenix News Agency has played a huge role in promoting the achievements of domestic politics, economy, culture, education, and reform and opening up, as well as the domestic good situation and disseminating important international news to the country.


Phoenix News Agency has appeared frequently in the international news arena and has achieved fruitful results in journalism.


On March 11, 2017, President Tian Changyou led the Press Group of the Phoenix News Agency to participate in the press conference of the Pakistan Solar Energy Assistance Project at the Pakistani Embassy in China, and interviewed Ms. Alfa Iqbal, Commercial Counselor of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and Mr. Masood Khalid, Pakistani Ambassador to China.

(reported at http://www.fhxwsvip.com/index.php?a=shows&catid=13&id=455 ).



On June 24, 2017, Phoenix News Agency interviewed the President of the Republic of Ghana, Mr. Charles Mensa and Ms. Anriks, at the Suyuan Building in Guang'anmen, Beijing, and had a luncheon together. Mr. Charles Mensa and Ms. Anliks are passionate about Phoenix News and are impressed by the international status and international influence of Phoenix News. He said: "Phoenix News Agency is a well-known international media. I really like to interact with the media. I hope that Mr. President will lead your guests to Ghana to exchange visits." He also suggested that the news department of the Republic of Ghana is still weak, and hopes that Phoenix News Agency is able to establish friendly and cooperative relations with the Ghanaian media, help the media of the Republic of Ghana, continuously improve the status of international news, and constantly push the Republic of Ghana to the world.

(Report URL http://www.fhxwsvip.com/index.php?a=shows&catid=13&id=1616 )





The Phoenix News Agency also often interacts with Taiwanese patriots and has obtained cheats with Taiwanese politicians, military figures, members of the public, and the media. President Mr. Tian Changyou met with Ms. Yin Tao, Chairman of the Taiwan Patriotic Party of China, and was appointed as a senior advisor and honorary vice chairman of the Chinese Patriotic Party. The Phoenix News Agency is determined to do a good job in cross-strait reunification and promoting the work of the two sides, making an important contribution to the peaceful reunification of the two sides of the strait. (reported at http://www.fhxwsvip.com/index.php?a=shows&catid=13&id=2159 )




In China, Phoenix News Agency is based on China's reform and opening up, to take the bridge for China's economics and serve the stability of society. It also successfully interviewed Mr. Lin Jiaxuan member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Executive Vice President of the China Poverty Alleviation and Development Association, Director of the China Industrial Poverty Alleviation Committee, member of the China-South Africa Cooperation Expert Committee of the United Nations Development Programme, and Vice Chairman of the National Small and Medium Cities Development Committee. The high-end news report of Phoenix News Agency "How to make China's poverty alleviation work on the right track - Interview with Mr. Lin Jiaxuan" has been reprinted by 13 famous international media. (reported at http://www.fhxwsvip.com/index.php?a=shows&catid=15&id=2965 )


In the news work, Phoenix News Agency constantly bases itself on innovation and serves the social and economic construction. In the summer of 2018, we successfully held the "Phoenix News Agency Shanxi Province Precision Poverty Alleviation Seminar" in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province. We invited Mr. Lin Jiaxuan, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Executive Vice President of the China Poverty Alleviation and Development Association, Director of the China Industrial Poverty Alleviation Committee, Member of the South-South Cooperation Expert Committee of the Chinese Government of the United Nations Development Programme, and Vice Chairman of the National Small and Medium Cities Development Committee, Mr. Zhang Jinfu, director of the Rural Strategic Implementation Leading Group of the Industrial Innovation and Development Strategic Alliance, and other relevant national leaders and leaders of the Shanxi Provincial Poverty Alleviation Agency, some poverty-stricken county leaders and entrepreneurs gathered together to launch a unique poverty alleviation meeting in Shanxi Province. Through the study of poverty alleviation and assistance work, good results have been achieved. Mr. Lin Jiaxuan said with pleasure: "It is recommended that the national media should learn from the Phoenix News Agency and learn that the Phoenix News Agency can break away from the passive situation of the traditional media being 'the man just saying yes' and be able to take the initiative to use the functions of media coordination to serve the society and the local economy and contribute on matchmaking for local economy development."


On June 10, 2018, Mr. Lin Jiaxuan, who had been working with General Secretary Xi Jinping, started his recollection and Xi Jinping’s article “Xi Jinping in My Heart” on the website of Phoenix News Agency

 (report site http://www.fhxwsvip.com/index.php?a=shows&catid=64&id=3294 ). The article not only praises the honest work style of General Secretary Xi Jinping, but also shows Xi Jinping's extraordinary work ability and level.


He said: "I have been working with Xi Jinping for 17 years in Fujian. I have heard and seen, close to Xi Jinping, and know it is for sure that  Xi Jinping will be a national leader and become a world-famous news person. That is to say, Xi Jinping can win the battle. This is inseparable from his eight words of 'smart', 'hard work', 'goodwill' and 'justice'. His success today is by no means an accidental historical trend. Xi Jinping regards Fujian as his second hometown and has left his hard work in the mountains and rivers of Fujian. I have the privilege of working under Xi Jinping and personally experienced his leadership style and work level. Many intriguing stories have made me unforgettable.



On April 12, 2018, on the occasion of the successful conclusion of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the news report of the publication of the book "Anti-corruption and Informed Police Record" edited by Comrade Zhang Fan, the director of the Press and Publication Bureau of the Central Propaganda Department, was published on the website of Phoenix News Agency (report site: http://www.fhxwsvip.com/index.php?a=shows&catid=15&id=3044 ).

This is the unparalleled trust of the leaders of the Central Propaganda Department to the Phoenix News Agency, which further strengthens the pace of the Phoenix News Agency.



In December 2018, the Phoenix News Agency compiled and published the "First Person Who Dare to Eat Crab" news report (reported website http://www.fhxwsvip.com/index.php?a=shows&catid=20&id=3948 ), which was included by the "Seeking Pioneer" series compiled by the Central Party School's "China Leadership Science" magazine.


The "Seeking Pioneer" series is a grand ceremony in the annals of history of the 40th anniversary of the reform and opening up policy of the CPC Central Committee. This series of books can take the initiative to include the article, fully demonstrating that the Phoenix News Agency's journalism work is fruitful.



The Phoenix News Agency always adheres to the tenet of "seeking truth from facts, promoting justice, lashing evil, and caring for the people's livelihood", bravely declaring war against evil forces, corrupt forces, and illegal and chaotic acts, in order to purify the social atmosphere, crack down on evil forces, and punish corruption. Great contributions have been made in maintaining the dignity of the law. Reports such as: "The arrogant Northern Bully, how long can it dominate? ", "the village head of Longlai Village, Leizhou City, Guangdong Province bullied villagers and all the reports against him were invalidated. Who is acting as a protective umbrella for the evil forces?and "Tendering Projects, Private Outsourcing, Unclear Unexpected Assets, and Great Loss of Victims" have effectively suppressed and smothered evil phenomena and safeguarded the legitimate rights and interests of victims.


As the Phoenix News Agency is able to work hard and develop in a down-to-earth manner, its achievements have been highlighted, and it has successively obtained the "International Top-Level Domain" certificate. The website has successfully obtained the ICP record of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and obtained the "Brand Official Website" certificate certified by the China Electronics Industry Alliance.






It is believed that under the correct leadership of the leadership team, Phoenix News Agency will be able to stand on the domestic and face the world, and in the work of the news media, develop towards a higher, wider and broader direction and achieve more brilliant achievements!

凤凰新闻社【责任编辑 檄文】