

添加时间:2022-07-13 21:52:29


凤凰新闻社讯      来源:华尔街卫视

18381657544483_.pic.jpg(左:缅甸总统夫人Mynmar First Lady; 右:华尔街卫视副台长,《邓婷访谈》栏目主持人邓婷Murphy)


《Murphy Interviews》Interviewed the Myanmar First Lady the Third Time. On behalf of Mynmar President SAI Maokang, Mynmar first lady answered the following four fields questions. Besides, the inspection supervisor of Mynmar Anti-war alliance group LI Jincheng & the founder Madam Zhang of Chateau Lion also joined this interview.


Q1:On behalf of Myanmar President SAI Maokang, Myanmar first lady expressed the expectations for international energy cooperation, especially the joyful that the Yiwu made Solar Photovoltaic Modules reached in Myanmar Largest Port Yangguang;



Q2: Myanmar First Lady answered how does the Seventh Foreign Minister's Official Conference of Lancang River- Mekong Cooperation bring benefits to alongside six countries of Mekong River.

 18451657545491_.pic.jpg(左:缅甸总统夫人Mynmar First Lady; 右:华尔街卫视副台长,《邓婷访谈》栏目主持人邓婷Murphy)


Q3: Myanmar First Lady expressed her strong wishfulness to the global peace since the Myanmar whole counrty has realised national unification. As the leader of Mynmar Anti-war Alliance, the first lady introduced the latest work progress procedures of this organization.  Besides, Inspection Supervisor of Mynmar Anti-war Alliance LI Jincheng aslo introduced the real riot border situation of Mynmar & showed his strong resolution for border safety for the benefits of all countries.



Mynmar first lady expressed strong expectations for Chinese large, medium and small enterprises to visit Myanmar for sightseeing, investigation and investment. First Lady also promised that the Myanmar government will provide a safe and high-quality business environment for enterprises attached to Myanmar, and solemnly invite more excellent Chinese enterprises, such as Madam Zhang's Chateau Lion as it's China successful model in vineyard field even in international winery, to invest in Myanmar.


缅甸国家反战联盟督查组负责人(左);缅甸总统夫人Mynmar First Lady(右)

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