

添加时间:2019-12-27 19:22:12

韩国新华网 记者/ 金相律 报道   


Across the sea to embrace the best: the story of six gourd artworks


【本报讯】 记者/ 金相律 报道; 很早之前,我对葫芦最初的印象还局限于陆游的“葫芦虽小藏天地,伴我云云万里身。”亦或是黄庭坚的“大葫芦乾枯,小葫芦行酤。”只知葫芦虽小,却藏有天地的内涵和包容万物的豁达。而真正意义上对葫芦的艺术性产生浓厚的兴趣却是源于曲阜师范大学扈鲁先生和他的葫芦文化博物馆以及《葫芦文化丛书》。
A long time ago, my first impression of gourd was still limited to the poem of Lu You, a famous poet of the Song dynasty: "No matter how small it is, a gourd may hold a lot. No matter where I go, I bring it with me." Another poet, Huang Tingjian, says that the large gourds are dried under the sun for multiple uses and the little ones are used for holding liquor. Through these verses, I knew that although the gourd is small, it’s connotative and inclusive. However, my thick interest in the gourd art was inspired genuinely by Hu Lu, a professor from Qufu Normal University and his Gourd Culture Museum as well as the Gourd Culture Series.

"A utensil shaped overnight can hardly hold much water and an item easily seen through at first sight is hardly rich in content," said Zeng Guofan, a renowned statesman and scholar of the Qing dynasty. Mr. Hu spent four years compiling the first edition of the Gourd Culture Series, indulging himself in painting gourds, and promoting the culture of gourd, never getting bored and fatigued. All he has done aroused my curiosity and passion for the mysterious gourds. I afterwards traveled overseas many times hoping to find good gourd artworks.


Peru's Ancient City of Lima

2018 年 12 月 2 日,我因为工作原因到了秘鲁,到达秘鲁的第一站就是它的首都利马。利马分为古城区和新城区,新城区一切秩序井井有条、充满浓郁的现代化气息,而古城区鱼龙混杂、旧街窄巷。但是利马最经典的历史遗迹和各种各样的古玩店、首饰配件店等特别多:质地极为上乘的绿松石、各种各样色泽惊艳的石头等物件也美的不可方物。而我的心里却时刻想着,一定要在这样一个充满神秘文化色彩的国度里寻找到一件更加独特之物——“葫芦”。秘鲁著名的武器广场有十多条街道向周围延伸出去,餐厅、商店、古玩店、配饰店……每一条街道中都分布着各色各样的店面。这十多条街道每条都狭长而复杂,我就在这里不断地寻找着,却没有一件符合我内心期望的物品。当我走得极度疲劳几乎要放弃的时候,在一个巴洛克、罗马混合风格,代表着古印加和罗马、西班牙文化的撞击融合的建筑内,终于几只满是特色雕刻的异国风情葫芦映入眼帘,我一下子就被这几件艺术品吸引住了脚步,虽然起初看不懂上面刻的内容,但是感觉特别的神秘和充满艺术美感。
On December 2, 2018, I arrived in Peru on business, and my first stop was Lima, the capital of Peru. Lima is divided into two parts, the old city zone and the new city zone. The former is well-organized and modern in style, while the latter is quite a mess with old streets and narrow lanes. Classic historical sites, a variety of antique shops and jewelry stores abound in Lima. You can find high-quality turquoise and all kinds of colourful stones there, all of which are quite beautiful. But I was thinking about finding a unique artwork—gourd, in such a country with mysterious culture. Plaza de Armas, a famous square in Peru, has more than a dozen streets extending out. Every street is dotted with various restaurants, shops, antique stores and accessory shops. Each of the dozen streets is long, narrow and complex, on which I kept looking for some artworks, but none of them could meet my expectation. I felt tired and wanted to give up, when a few exotic gourds filled with characteristic carvings came into my view in a building of mixed Baroque and Roman style, representing the collision and fusion of ancient Inca, Roman and Spanish Civilizations. I was immediately attracted by them. Though I was totally confused about the carvings on the gourd, I could perceive their mysteries and artistic beauty.


Peru's Gourd Art


After a conversation with the shop owner, I learned that the carvings on the gourds were about the Inca Civilization, which belongs to the Ancient Indian Civilizations developing in the middle Andes Mountains in the western part of South America. The Inca Civilization, the Mayan Civilization and the Aztec Civilization are called the “Three Ancient Indian Civilizations”. The combination of the Inca Civilization and gourd, a symbol of good luck, blessing and fortune in the Chinese traditional culture, has a unique charm.

Peru's Gourd Art


Every line of the carvings on the gourds is connected with one another. The surface of the gourds is slightly concave or convex, producing a light and shadow effect under the sun. All the lines are extremely concise and powerful. The patterns of carvings are simple but vivid, plain but exquisite, showing distinctive treatment of gourd.

Peru's Gourd Art

Various geometric figures carved on the gourd are very flexible, like portraits or fields, showing features of both the Peruvian Plateau and mountain people. The subtle carvings on the gourds show the artists' brilliant conveyance of the Inca Civilization. The combination of carving and gourd embodies diverse national and ethnic cultures, covers a wide variety of areas of human production and life, such as myths and legends, literature and art, festivals and folk customs, and promotes the inheritance of excellent traditional cultures, said Mr. Hu, my teacher as well as my friend.


Peru's Gourd Art


就这样,这几件艺术品被我收入囊中,也总算没有辜负我从国内到秘鲁的这 16670 多公里。由于需要跟随访问代表团 G20 飞往阿根廷的缘故,我将历经辗转得到的这几件刻有印加文明的葫芦精心包好放到随身的行李中准备飞往阿根廷,生怕一点不小心的磕碰破坏了葫芦的完美。

Therefore, I was fortunate enough to acquire these artworks in the end, and my long journey spanning 16670 kilometers from China to Peru did not disappoint me. Since I was to fly to Argentina with the delegation G20, the gourd artworks carved with Inca Civilization were packed carefully for fear that an accidental bump would destroy their perfection.

The delegation having an exchange with foreign friends



Since Peru is a country with ancient civilizations, and the customs once seized cultural relics that were reported by the Ministry of Culture in Peru to be stolen, the customs officers were especially vigilant to the artworks engraved with Inca Civilization in my luggage. I was required to open the luggage for careful inspection, and was not released until professionals confirmed that they weren't the lost cultural relics.

经过 4647 公里,历时 4 个多小时的飞行,这几件葫芦艺术品终于在 12 月 4 日跟随我安全降落至阿根廷。
After a flight of 4647 kilometers lasting 4 hours, the gourd artworks finally landed safely on December 4 in Argentina.


12 月 8 日,我又前往乌拉圭拜访中国驻乌拉圭经商参赞处的周参赞,这几件葫芦又在我的再一次包裹和海关的层层查验下,跨越 2302 公里,历时 2 个多小时又一次跟随我安全来到乌拉圭。

On December 8, I left for Uruguay to visit Counsellor Zhou of the Business Counsellor's Office of China in Uruguay. The gourd artworks, once again carefully packed and investigated strictly at the Customs, arrived in Uruguay after 2302 kilometers’ flight over two hours.

12 月 11 日,我第二次飞往秘鲁大使馆拜访郝参赞,葫芦在跟随我跨越了 4 个国家、28072多公里、35 个多小时后又回到了它们的诞生地——秘鲁。


On December 11, I flew to the Peruvian Embassy for the second time to visit Counsellor Hao. After a flight of 28072 kilometers, over 35 hours, across 4 countries, eventually the gourds returned to Peru, their birthplace.

Mexican Plaza de la Constitucion


12 月 15 日,我又一次踏上秘鲁飞往墨西哥的行程,行李中依旧不变的是被包裹的严严实实的、篆刻有印加文明的葫芦。由于墨西哥以拥有玛雅文明古迹著称,我特意前往,想碰碰运气看能不能再得到一件艺术珍品。功夫不负有心人,在我寻遍了抵宪法广场、艺术宫、 拉丁美洲塔等地方,最后乘车去瓜纳华托又回墨西哥城时,终于在墨西哥的首都寻得两件酷似“苹果”形状的葫芦艺术品。在中国文化中,苹果的“苹”和“平”谐音,故有平安、顺遂的寓意,所以赠送苹果表示祝愿受赠者平安喜乐。而我如今在墨西哥首都,竟然能看到如此与中国文化结合之物,心中也更是欢喜,也终于让我的美洲之行有了个圆满的纪念。

On December 15, I left Peru for Mexico. What remained unchanged in the luggage was those gourds engraved with the Inca Civilization, which were still packed tightly. Mexico is famous for its Mayan heritage, and I decided to try my luck there in the hope of acquiring other precious artwork. Hard work paid off. I had searched many places thoroughly, including Plaza de la Constitución, Palace of Fine Arts and Torre Latinoamericana, before I found two apple-shaped gourd artworks in Mexico City, the capital of Mexico, on my return from Guanajuato. In Chinese culture, the first character of apple (ping guo) is homophonic to the first character of safety (ping an). Therefore, apples symbolize peace, safety and smoothness. When we give apples to friends we wish them a peaceful and joyful life. Even though I was in Mexico City, I was more than happy to find artworks that had a high correlation with the Chinese culture. These two artworks were the best commemoration of my trip to America.

Mexican gourd artwork


12 月 17 日,我带上这些来自不同地域国家的葫芦艺术佳品,飞往美国洛杉矶。12 月 8 日,我的 20天美洲之行才终于画上了完满的句号。此时这些葫芦艺术品已经随我漂洋过海、历尽辗转地度过了 20 个日夜、480 小时、44885 多公里。

On December 17, I flew to Los Angeles carrying the gourd artworks collected from different countries and regions. On December 8, my 20-day trip to America came to an end. Until now, those gourd artworks have traveled across the sea through 20 days and nights, over 480 hours and 44885 kilometers.

通过这几千公里和 20 个日夜的这趟可以称之为探寻“葫芦文化之路”的多国之旅,亦可以看出葫芦在各国盛产,并且作为艺术品在南美国家大为盛行。直到现在,我还经常回味这段历程,如果不是因为扈鲁先生的葫芦艺术感染,就不会激发我对于葫芦的浓厚兴趣,就更不会有这几件漂洋过海到达中国,最终落到一位真正的葫芦艺术家——扈鲁先生手里的完满结局。

This 20 days and nights’ journey of thousands of kilometers can be called a trip of multi-nations to explore "the Road of Gourd Culture". It also shows that gourds are prevalent in many countries and are popular in South America as artworks. I often recall this memorable journey up to now. If it had not been for Mr. Hu's gourd art edification, my thick interests in gourds would not have been aroused, and there would not have been any possibility for these gourd artworks scattering around the world to find their owner, Hu Lu, a true gourd artist.

Gourds prevalent in foreign countries


In particular, the gourds found in Peru not only inherit the ancient civilization, but also record the unique carving technics of a country. They are the epitomes of ethnic cultures, the carrier of a country's civilization, history, art, and a country's gourd culture. The journey of these six gourd artworks from country to country reflects the idea of "Seeking Peace, harmony and common ground", embodies the essence of Chinese traditional culture, and indicates the great integration of world culture, as Hu Lu said. The gourd has become a unique cultural symbol and a cultural heritage not only of China, but also of the world.

Gourd culture not only represents China, but also represents and connects the world. It will connect the world culture and become the common culture of human beings. Today, we are delighted to see that with the joint efforts of the team led by Hu Lu, in the context of "The Belt and Road Initiative", through the medium of the abundant collections in the Gourd Culture Museum, the integration and development of Chinese and foreign gourd culture will be promoted constantly. More importantly, after the publication of the Gourd Culture Series, the gourd culture is receiving extensive and positive echoes in the whole world.

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