
文章标题:英BBC美NBC英专家需致歉全球 俄罗斯东北联邦大学数学和信息学院客座教授(中国画家) 于广胜公开信致英BBC美NBC英威尔斯国家博物馆长 断定英美播报的重大发现-2.2亿年前恐龙足迹化石是赝品​

添加时间:2021-02-27 12:00:35


BBC, NBC, UK experts apologise to the world




Visiting Professor, School of Mathematics and Information, Northeastern Federal University, Russia (Chinese painter)

An open letter from Yu Guangsheng to the Director of the National Museum of BBC, NBC, Wales

The discovery of a 220 million-year-old fossil dinosaur footprint reported in Britain and the United States was a fake

【撰稿人 于广胜】

Phoenix News Service [Writer Yu Guangsheng] 





The United States NBC:

Cindy Howells, palaeontologist and director of the National Museum of Wales, England:



I am Yu Guangsheng, a visiting professor at the School of Mathematics and Information of Northeastern Federal University of Russia (a Chinese citizen). On January 31, BBC and NBC broadcast the news: "An 'important discovery' : a 4-year-old girl in Britain found a fossilized dinosaur footprint" (Figure 1). Cindy Howells, curator of the National Museum of Wales and a paleontologist, said the dinosaur tracks date back 220 million years. "It's really an amazing find"; "Has made paleontologists around the world 'very excited'" and so on.



First, the British "dinosaur footprint fossil" is a fake, the UK and the US "major discovery" is fake news






Based on the BBC, NBC, wales national museum curator, paleontologists international influence and professional authority, need to believe in your news and professional recognition, and regarded as authoritative sources of information, authoritative expert conclusion, and to spread, inheritance, into the scriptures, into the book, research, education, learning, and appreciation, etc., obviously, the world also are doing this.

But unfortunately, when I read the news, I found the "fossil" suspicious at first sight. Therefore, I made objective observation and rational scientific analysis from the perspectives of trace science, animal walking mechanics and the physiological structure of dinosaur feet, and concluded without any doubt that "the 'dinosaur footprint fossil' that amazed palaeontologists all over the world" was a fake, and the dinosaur footprints in the 'fossil' were artificially cut "!

Of course, the news that "sensationalizes the world's 'major discovery'" becomes fake news.

My specific conclusions are as follows:


1. Against the laws of nature and common sense


Any cross section of the toe trail from any of the "fossils" should be randomly selected, and under normal conditions should show an approximate concave semicircular shape (Figure 2).




But the dinosaur tracks in the fossil show the opposite. In addition to the concave toe shape contour line, the central part is almost at the same level with the ground plane, forming an upward bulging state (Figure 3). The shape of footprints in the "dinosaur footprint fossil" seriously violates the natural law of footprints formed by toe trampling and the basic common sense of trace science.



By comparing the nearly round toe cross section of dinosaur with the footmark cross section in the fossil, we can see that the toe and footmark of dinosaur must form a convex and concave complementary relationship. The footstep of the dinosaur's nearly cylindrical toes must have produced a corresponding concave footprint (Figure 4).



To sum up, no matter what, the dinosaur could not get out of the "dinosaur footprint fossil", which showed that the toe center was raised upward and the toe contour was concave (Figure 5, Figure 1).



From the perspective of trace science, the footprints must have been generated by the interaction between dinosaur toes and ground soil, but the footprints presented in this "fossil" do not show any interaction or association with dinosaur toes (Fig. 5 and Fig. 1). Therefore, it is concluded that the footprints in this "fossil" are not naturally formed by a dinosaur trampling.



  2. It violates the laws of physiological structure and walking mechanics




In the "dinosaur footprint fossil", the marks of toes and nails violate the physiological characteristics of dinosaur toes and nails.

The depth of pressing down the front marks of the footprints is seriously insufficient, which violates the mechanical regularity characteristics naturally left by the animals when walking (Figure 1). Therefore, it is clear from either the physical structure or the mechanics of walking that the "fossilized" footprints were not naturally formed by a dinosaur tramping on them.

But this two aspects only point to the end, do not elaborate one by one, because on its "' fossil 'footprints against the laws of nature and the common sense of trace science" analysis and interpretation, has been enough to determine their authenticity.


  3. The signs of artificiality are obvious




⑴ Since the dinosaur could not make its way out of the "fossilized dinosaur footprint" in any case, the "fossilized dinosaur footprint" is certainly a fake.

(2) Although I could not see the traces left by the carving tools in the limited resolution of the online media photos, the signs of artificial carving were clearly visible:

Obviously, the sculptor of the footprints did not have professional standards. He only used the thinking of plane painting with the outline line of the pen, and wrongly carved the outline line of the concave toes. Although each toe footprint has a stereoscopic sense, the convex and concave relationship is carved in reverse. Therefore, the "toe trace" that should be concave is mistakenly carved into the "stereoscopic toe" that is raised up (Figure 3 and Figure 1). The sculptor did not understand the inevitable convex and concave relationship between the dinosaur's toes and the footprints (Figure 4), so there is a clear sign of an error that cannot be made without being artificial, namely, the artificial carving.



Academic error, worldwide misdirection and historic harm












In recent days, the fake news of "dinosaur footprints" has not only been confined to the news media, but also has been widely spread in biological and technological media, and it has become more and more serious.

Therefore, if not corrected in a timely manner, the false impact of fake news and the erroneous conclusions of its experts will be more widespread and serious:

1. The fake is called a "major discovery," which clearly means a "major mistake."

The news has spread all over the world, which, of course, misled the world.

3. In the news, "paleontologists around the world are 'thrilled' by this amazing find," it said

Paleontologists around the world have yet to find his fault, which is a bigger one.

Palaeontologist Cindy Howells, curator of the National Museum of Wales, said: "The footprints will help scientists understand how dinosaurs walked." It is clear that faux fossils do not lead to accurate results.

5. It is learned from the news that "the National Museum of Wales will open to the public to exhibit the 'fossil'", which means that from now on, the fake 'fossil' will be left to the history as a treasure, facing the world and the people...

6. The subsequent relevant textbooks and popular science books and periodicals will surely mistake the fake as a treasure -- "220 million year dinosaur footprints", which means that the victims will be endless generation after generation!

For false news, the stronger the media transmission power, the wider the harm!

The right or wrong conclusion, the more authoritative the voice, the greater the harm!


Third, be responsible for the present, history and science, correct mistakes in time and sincerely apologize








The misdirection of the above worldwide academic mistakes is becoming more and more serious. I feel that I should not be silent and turn a blind eye. I should clarify the facts and restore the truth in the spirit of science and the principle of seeking truth from facts, so as to correct the mistakes in time and stop the losses effectively, so that the harm will not continue and reduce to a lower level as far as possible.

1. I would like to ask Cindy Holwell, the curator of the National Museum of Wales and a paleontologist, to give a positive response and an accurate statement on whether I accept the conclusion that I deny the "fossil dinosaur footprints of 220 million years" with a scientific attitude, spirit and method. If you do not accept my conclusion, please make a scientific and reasonable analysis on the shape of the footprints in the "fossil" and how the dinosaurs trampled to make them, so as to convince me and the whole world. If you and the expert team can't give a convincing scientific analysis, and can't overturn my conclusion or have accepted my conclusion, please respect science and facts and admit that your or the expert team's identification of "220 million year dinosaur footprint fossil" is wrong. Then, of course, there would be no "big discovery".

2. In the spirit of being responsible to the present, history and future generations, the BBC and NBC should continue to give full play to their advantages of media and correct misinformation in time.

In order to avoid the academic errors of the global paleontological session become historical errors; In order to avoid the worldwide misinformation produced by fake news become a legacy of history. Correct the mistake in time, sincerely apologize, eliminate the impact is the only option. This is not only a basic responsibility, but also the best choice to maintain the authority, international image and international status of your media and dean in their respective fields.

Fake news goes wherever it goes. In fact, it has spread around the world. Let's ask the BBC, NBC, National Museum of Wales Director and Palaeontologist Cindy Howells to take responsibility and apologize to the world.

In addition, please reply to the open letter in Chinese or in both Chinese and English, as the person who addresses you is a Chinese citizen.



Yu Guangsheng is drawing a diagram


于 广 胜 简 介

Introduction to Yu Guangsheng





There are similar cases:

People's Daily Online, CCTV Online and China News Service broadcast "Hainan painter found the first image of Chang 'e on the moon is not plagiarized".

Yu Guangsheng, China's top ten creative planning experts, famous painter. He is called "master of portrait painting" by authoritative media in China and Russia. He enjoys the reputation of "crossover superman" and "contemporary da Vinci".

Yu Guangsheng is famous for his extraordinary thinking. He has been involved in more than ten fields involving aerospace, mathematics, creativity, planning, marketing, advertising, crisis public relations, art, etc., which span a great deal or even completely unfamiliar. He has created a series of classic legends by solving the problems of many top experts at home and abroad, such as academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and so on: he won international awards; Create the world's first; Explore out the wonderful solution of human despair of the difficult new path -- the supernormal road; Achieve a variety of "industrial, national, global, subversive, historic breakthroughs


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